Ripples and Rumbles: Being and The Cloud of Unknowing featuring Sue Mehrtens

“The Unknown is real, and we have to face this and be okay with not knowing. Using a term mystics employ, we must appreciate the ‘cloud of unknowing’ and face the fact that we are not in control here, that Nature knows best and that our society would function far more efficiently if we followed Nature’s ways.” ~ Sue Mehrtens

Ripples and Rumbles: Knowing From The Edges, featuring Kai Cheng Thom

Who is invited into the dominant story, and who is outside? The view from the edges can foster a fierce and alchemical knowing, a different way of understanding what happens around and within us. What can be known in the shadows…when we dive deep into the places in ourselves that scare us, that we hide […]

On Polarity: The Complexity of No Right Answer

A polarity in conflict is a disagreement that is fundamentally unsolvable, because there is no clear right or wrong answer. A polarity becomes a conflict because people care deeply about the outcome, and their underlying ideas, values and beliefs pull them strongly to one side or the other.